Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Posted by mark Keltuz |
I know all of you marketers and website owners love and need traffic. The problem is, there often is not enough of it. But how to get more traffic?

One of the solutions is using Traffic exchange sites, but the down side is that manual traffic exchange sites take too much time to be profitable. I was looking for a way to get the most juice out of them, and after looking for a while i found these bots to help speed up the process.

I have had my share of fun with the sites, but i am moving on to other ventures, so in light of all this, i will release all the free bots here for public use. Have fun with them and i hope they help you out as much as they did me!

Here is a list of traffic exchange sites that have been most profitable for me:

Youlikehits - Good for traffic and social sharing. Free likes, tweets, Google + and more! One of the biggest and most used sites out there. Bot works with most features on the site, 100% safe.

Ycl (Social Media Exchange) - Relatively new site that offers most social services out there including traffic. The current version of the bot is up to date with changes on the site.

Like4like - Offers most services like other sites but adds a few more unique ones like comments and Soundcloud.

Inetjunkie - Offers many services and a few extra ones like reverbnation and delicious.

Vingler - A rather new site that has a large user base and a very nice design. The services there always work like a charm

I will keep the list updated and add more bots and automaters if i find them.


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